Sunday, January 12, 2014

I recently discovered I was almost gang raped. And they wonder why I hated high school. The human body is treated like trash by too many. Unconsciousness is compliance and a tainted smile is acceptance. If only our society accepted the idea of sex as liberation and a form of self expression. If one wished to post a "nudie", why do people take it upon themselves to label them as a "slut" or "whore" or saying, "she's asking for it." What is she asking for? Sex? Acceptance? Rape? We don't know what she's going through or if she's going through anything. Why can't people accept each other for who they are? Why can't I accept myself for who I am? Do I blame nature or nurture? Society or myself? I have a past but I need to accept it and move on. I can't take that night back or erase memories. What I can do is work on today. Work on the future. I can use my mistakes as fuel for change. Those men that wanted to violate me will have that thought in their head for the rest of their lives. I will come out on top. It's not that I am better than them; it's that I'm working toward an understanding of myself and how I can use that to better the world. I can't make our society perfect, but it sure needs a hell of a lot of work.

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